Travel Hacks

Volume 1 of 5

I wanted to share my top 5 Travel Hacks -you probably didn’t know existed. So you’re ready to take flight or as they say on social media “get flewd out”.:)

Well you have come to the right place. If you know anything about Angelia Malbrew, you know I am a traveling photographer. I am always on the go and I love making the best of my trips, and vacations.

First up, get a credit card that is solely for traveling. I am a huge advocate of building two-way relationships with companies that reward their clients/customers and members. I have quite a few companies that I could refer. Subscribe to my newsletters, I don’t mind sharing. Sharing is caring, right?

I love booking my flights with Southwest, for a number of reasons. The have people that actually care about their customers and they are serious about the perks they provide.I mean they offer over 30 for this card! I love flying 1st class, you know I am a little bit bougie 🙂 But since getting the Southwest Priority card, I use it for more points and the opportunity to upgrade my boarding position. who wants to sit in the back, and be the last to deboard the plane? Not me! Not only do I have a business account with SWA, I get the perks and the points so it’s a win-win. Do you have the card already? If not, here’s my special offer link and tell them I sent you 🙂 So if you want the best airline, the best credit card company and the best flights, get the SWA credit card! Oh and did I say they have amazing team members, free drinks and snacks? What do you have to lose? I love them and so will you!

Oh yeah and remember I am a traveling photographer/ creative image director at Angelia Malbrew Photography I am ready to take flight. If you are a business owner and you need headshots/personal branding and you’re ready to make your business stand out the way it should so that you can connect with your clients, then sign up for my VIP Personal Branding tour. I do this for a living, so no matter where you are I am available to assist you with your photography needs.

And another thing, since you’re traveling, you will want to go in style… Right? I know you like nice things and great experiences, especially if you’re one of my clients. I have an amazing company to introduce you to. They have the best custom t-shirts, mugs and tote bags! With that being said, check out another one of my favorite places to shop CP Designs Unlimited. They have the most amazing quality t-shirts that feel like butter on your skin. Use this code LUX10 and get an additional discount off your order. Connections matter!

Be sure to come back tomorrow to see Day Two of my Five Travel hacks you probably didn’t know existed.

Love Y’all
